Effect of connectors in masonry walls. Brief analysis for discussion.

Traditional Azorean construction consists largely of traditional irregular stone masonry, with two faces and no connectors between faces.
It is common to specify reinforcement solutions that involve the placement of fiberglass mesh reinforcement on both faces of walls (when possible), combined with the application of connectors between faces.
It is accepted, based on experimental evidence and international recommendations (e.g. Italian regulations), that this structural solution results in an increase in resistance/ductility of the order of $2-2.5\times$ (See [Manual de Avaliação da Segurança Sísmica e Reforço de Edifícios Tradicionais de Alvenaria dos Açores](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/377695753_Manual_de_Avaliacao_da_Seguranca_Sismica_e_Reforco_de_Edificios_Tradicionais_de_Alvenaria_dos_Acores_Manual_for_Seismic_Safety_Assessment_and_Strengthening_of_Traditional_Masonry_Buildings_in_the_Azor));
This study aims to determine the influence of connectors on the behavior of masonry panels using simplified numerical models.
I did not identify a very significant influence on the behavior, so I would like to know your opinion and gather feedback on the developed calculation model.
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